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Good Friday

There is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board at the back of the church for those willing to bring food for the fellowship time on Good Friday.

The Good Friday Service will be held at Omagh on April 15th at 10:30 a.m. and will be preceded by a continental breakfast and a fellowship time downstairs beginning at 9:30.  Those attending should note that proof of vaccination and the wearing of masks is still required in Omagh during the month of April.

Sunday Worship Update

Beginning on Sunday, February the 27th,  the worship services will resume a more usual format including singing.  In addition , for the safety and comfort of all, proof of vaccination will continued to be required for everyone attending worship. The Session will be re-evaluating this later in March.  The wearing of masks is still required.

December 12 Offering and Lunch

A special offering will be taken on Sunday December 12th in support of the local Salvation Army foodbank.  Those who are supporting the appeal are asked to please not donate gifts of food.  There will be a congregational lunch following the service, bringing in the food from Swiss Chalet.  There is no charge and those planning to stay for the lunch are asked to please let Eileen know by December 9.

Service Update

Recently the Provincial government announced changes to the rules governing Houses of Worship, the most notable being that seating restrictions can be ended if proof of vaccination is required of those entering the building to attend worship.  In light of these announced changes, the Session has made a number of decisions pertaining to the Sunday morning worship service.

Beginning on Sunday, December 5th all adults attending worship will be asked for proof of their double vaccination status when they enter the building.  This will be noted for future reference so that people do not have to be asked every Sunday.

Since the Session has instituted this change, there will no longer a need for restricted seating and this means that everyone is free to sit wherever they wish.

The singing of hymns and other responses will be resumed though initially only portions of the hymns will normally be sung.  Masks must be worn while singing as at all other times when in the building.

The offering plate will remain at the back of the sanctuary for the time being and the use of Sunday bulletins is still discontinued.

Physical contact such as hugging and the shaking of hands is not permitted, and this includes greeting the minister at the door following the service.

All sanitary measures currently in place will continue to be so including the use of masks, hand sanitizers, and the “fogging” of the building both before and after worship.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, please feel free to speak to Shawn or any member of the Session.