Re-opening Announcement

As you know, the Government of Ontario recently announced that Places of Worship may re-open for worship provided they follow certain guidelines and meet certain criteria. These include the use of the Sanctuary and what may or may not be done during the worship services.  These guidelines and recommendations are extensive and have a profound impact on how Sanctuaries are used and worship services conducted.

The Session met on Tuesday June 16th and after extensive discussion centering around the changes that must be made, it was decided that it is best not to re-open at the present time.  This decision was not made lightly.

The Session will be meeting again in August to re-examine what will need to be done so that worship may safely resume.  We realize that the delay in re-opening for Sunday worship will be disappointing for some.  If you wish to, please feel free to contact either Beth or Shawn.

Worship Service Cancelled


One day Jesus was asked what religion and by implication what life itself is all about. He responded with the words of what we call the Great Commandment: we are to love God and our neighbours as much as we love ourselves, love simply meaning that we treat others as we ourselves wish to be treated.

We are now experiencing what is for most of us an unprecedented crisis and in these circumstances love of neighbour means limiting contact to try and stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus. For this reason there will not be worship services until further notice. Even so, just as love necessitates the halt of Sunday worship, love also means that the ministry of the church continues through such as prayer, phone calls and keeping tabs on people and especially the most vulnerable and at risk of our society.

God bless,



Christmas Program

Instead of the traditional Sunday School pageant, the congregation is invited to participate in a Christmas program during the service. Members are invited to sing or play a piece of music, perform a skit, share a favourite Christmas poem or memory. Please let Donna know if you are interested in participating. The Christmas program will be on December 8, with a potluck to follow.